ICP Talk
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ICP Talk

ICP Talk Guidelines:

"ICP Talk" has been developed to provide a web-based forum for the posting of information and/or discussion among the members of ICP specifically,  or members of the psychological community in general.

Postings on "ICP Talk" are limited by size and time.  After 60 days individual postings will be automatically deleted.  

Please use courtesy and etiquette when posting or responding to a posting.   The International Council of Psychologists or the Webmaster will not be held responsible for any incorrect information submitted to "ICP Talk." The Publication Committee or  webmaster reserves the right to delete any postings prior to the 60-day limit.

Posting Procedures

Note: To return to this page while posting your response, click on "guidelines" link under the "ICP Talk" title at the discussion forum website. 

It is your responsibility to check to see if your posting or response was recorded properly. Return to "ICP Talk" to check it.

Click on link below for site


To Post a Message

1. Click "new article" bar.

2. Type "Name," "email address," and "subject" in the appropriate boxes.

3. Type your message in the "message body" box.

4. Click "post message" bar to submit posting; or, if a mistake was made, click "reset form" bar and retype all the above.

To Respond to a Posting

1. Click on the topic under the section entitled, "Subject" to view a posting.

2. Click on "post reply" button

Type "Name," "email address," and "subject" in the appropriate boxes.
3. Type your response in the "message body" box.
4. Click "post message" bar to submit posting; or, if a mistake was made, click "reset form" bar and retype all the above.

Click on "Return to ICP Web Site" link "Exit bar."