International Council of Psychologists

ICP Talk


Annual Conference


ICP 2006 Convention:  Koz, Greece

Date: July 10-13, 2006
Click this link for: Conference Information which includes the following: Conference Information, Call for Papers, Call for Posters , and Presentations (Deadline: 2006), Call for Continuing (CE) Workshops (Deadline:  2006  (Deadline for reduced rate: 15 April 2006) Conference Registration Form,  Program Information, CE Workshop Descriptions, Program Information
Conference Hotel and Travel Information, Registration Fees, etc.
(NOTE:  Registration Form must be sent by post)
Call for papers:  Seisoh Sukemune-Bruce Bains Encouragement of Early Career Research Award  (Deadline: May 5, 2006)
* *The only credit card accepted for payment for conference and continuing education programs  is VISA.  It is highly recommended that participants residing in North America and where possible, use Checks or Money Orders for payment.

Convention Proposals:

To propose a paper, symposium, workshop, debate, dialogue, conversation hour or other types of sessions for the convention program, see above link.

Convention highlights:

Keynote Speakers, Invited Addresses, Continuing Education Workshops, Other Special Sessions, Exhibits (professional and cultural), Opening Reception, will be announced in the printed literature.


© International Council of Psychologists, 2000

Web Editor:      Last edited: 26 January, 2006