(Companion to ICP Bylaws)
(as of February 16, 2005)
Link: ICP By-Laws |
(1) 4.1. Opportunities to apply for Life Member were ended July 17, 2000.
(1) 10.1. The Certificate of Incorporation, as amended and filed with the State of Connecticut on February 20, 1976, is the basic constitution of the International Council of Psychologists, Inc. (Interest-bearing). The Certificate is amendable by vote of the membership and filing with the State of Connecticut.
(1) 10.2. ICP is governed by Bylaws that are amended by vote of the membership after
approval by the Board, and by Administrative Policies and Procedures that are amended by the Board of Directors. Neither the Bylaws nor the Administrative Policies and Procedures may contradict any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation. Any that do so are invalid.
(2) 1.1.1. Other descriptive terms for members, including Charter Member,
Complimentary Member, and Permanent Member, are titles related to the method of selection and dues payments. These members, like all other ICP members, are approved in one of the five classes of membership named in Bylaw 2.
(2) 1.1.2. The term “Full Member” may be used for “Member,” when capitalization is inadequate to distinguish “Member” from “member,” as when the term is the first word in a sentence, or appears in a heading.
(2) 1.2.1. Life Members may be reminded yearly that voluntary contributions to cover at least the cost of their publications and the postage thereon, will be appreciated, but are not mandatory.
(2) 1.2.2. Life Members enjoy, for life, the privileges of the class of membership they held when they were approved for Life Membership. ICP publications are sent to them by surface mail without charge, or, at the option of the Life Member, by air mail upon annual payment for air delivery, at a rate to be set by the Board.
(2) 1.3.1. ICP recognizes that, in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, the term “Associate” designates generally a higher level of qualification than does the term “Member.” In ICP usage, the meanings of those two terms are reversed.
(2) 1.4.1. Professional Affiliates meet standards of training and experience generally recognized by their own professions in their own countries, except that four years of full time higher education above the secondary level is the minimum for approval of an applicant for ICP membership as a Professional Affiliate.
(2) 1.5.1. Persons applying for membership as Student Affiliates provide the name and address of their university and of their major professor, and the anticipated date of the degree or certificate toward which they are working.
(2) 1.5.2. The above requirement is added to the statement of qualifications for Student Affiliates on the ICP Membership Application form.
(2) 1.5.3. Student Affiliates,with each subsequent annual dues payment, state that they still meet the requirements for a Student Affiliate, or alternatively, request transfer to another class of membership.
(2) 2.4.1. The following matters of ICP business are referred to the voting members by mail ballot:
(2) Amendments to the Certificate of Incorporation
(2) Amendments to the Bylaws
(2) Substantive issues of ICP policy, which the Board may decide to put to a membership ballot, or which the Annual Meeting of the Membership may instruct the Board to put to the membership by mail ballot.
(2) Election of Directors of the Board.
(2) Decisions on mail ballots concerning amendments to the Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws, or substantive issues of ICP policy, are by majority approval on the ballots of voting members returned, under the prescribed rules, and received by the specified deadline.
(2) Decisions on elections of Directors of the Board are by majority approval on the validated ballots of voting members returned, under the prescribed rules, and received by the specified deadline. Only validated ballots are counted.
(2) 3.1. Area Chairs, who forward applications of new members to the Membership Chair, review those applications carefully beforehand.
(2) 3.2. Area Chairs serve as ad hoc advisers to the Membership Chair, to review qualifications of applicants from the areas they represent, upon request of the Membership Chair.
(2) 3.3. Transfer of Membership Class. Members may apply, and are urged to apply, for transfer from one class of membership to another, when they believe that this is appropriate. They make written application to the Membership Chair, citing the facts that support the request, and that demonstrate that the applicant meets the requirements of the desired class.
(2) 5.1. A formerly dues delinquent member may elect to make a new application for
membership in ICP, rather than to ask for reinstatement. When such an application is approved, membership on the permanent records of ICP is shown as beginning in the year the new application is accepted. The former years will not be counted toward life membership, or for other privileges of ICP membership.
(2) 6.1. Dues delinquent members may be kept on the mailing list for ICP publications from January through September of the year of delinquency. They are not listed in issues of the “Membership Directory” or the “Membership Register” that are published while they are delinquent. They are not eligible to vote in the annual elections for Directors of the Board, or on policy issues submitted to the membership.
(2) 6.1.1. During the grace period, January through September, they are sent second and third notices of dues.
(2) 6.1.2. In October, at the end of the nine-month grace period, each delinquent member is advised that their membership is terminated, that their name has been removed from the mailing list for ICP publications, and that their voting and other privileges have been forfeited. They are informed of the procedures available for reinstatement, and procedures and conditions for submitting an application as a new member in the future.
(2) 7.1. ICP membership is not put forth by a member as indicating proficiency in psychology, nor is it accepted by prospective employers, government certifying agencies, or potential clients as certifying such proficiency.
(3) 1.1. The term “year” in all paragraphs of Article 3 refers to the “leadership year,” defined as the period from one Annual Convention to the next. This may vary from ten to fourteen months, depending on the month in which each convention is held.
(3) 10.1. The pre-convention session of the Annual Board Meeting may be scheduled for a full day, with the Outgoing Board session first, followed by a session of the Incoming Board. Additional meeting time may be added as required.
(3) 10.2. A session of the Incoming Board may be held after the Annual Membership Business Meeting, but within the convention period, to consider recommendations made at the Annual Membership Business Meeting, and/or to complete action on the Board Meeting Agenda, if necessary.
(3) 10.3. When the business before the Board is completed, the Board adjourns sine die.
(3) 10.4. Agenda
(3) 10.4.1. An Agenda for the sessions of the Annual Board Meeting is prepared by the Secretary-General, in consultation with the President and the President-Elect. It includes all recommendations made by leaders in their annual reports to the Board, and issues communicated to the Board by Directors and members of the International Council of Psychologists.
(3) 10.4.2. The Secretary-General may edit the recommendations and issues received, and combine similar recommendations and issues into a single Agenda item.
(3) 10.4.3. The Agenda is accepted or amended as a first order of business, after the roll call has established a quorum at the opening of the Outgoing Board session.
(3) 10.5. Combined Board sessions. At the sessions of the Outgoing and Incoming Boards of Directors, all Directors are invited to attend and to participate in discussions.
(3) 10.5.1. At the Outgoing Board session, the outgoing President presides. A roll call of the outgoing Directors establishes that a quorum is present. On motion of an outgoing Director, approved by a majority of the outgoing Directors present, voting privileges are extended to the incoming Directors.
(3) 10.5.2. Before the close of the Outgoing Board session, the outgoing President
presides at the installation of the Officers and Directors-at-Large of the Incoming Board.
(3) 10.5.3. At the Incoming Board session, the incoming President presides. A roll call establishes that a quorum of incoming Directors is present. On motion of an incoming Director, approved by a majority of the incoming Directors present, voting privileges may be extended to the outgoing Directors present. The Incoming Board continues action on Agenda items, where the Outgoing Board left off. The Agenda may be further amended.
(3) 10.6. Observers at Board Meetings. Any member of the International Council of
Psychologists may attend a Board Meeting as an observer, and members are encouraged to do so. Observers do not speak, except upon specific invitation of the President. Board Meetings are held in rooms of a size to accommodate observers.
(3) 11.1. No proxy votes are accepted to constitute a quorum at a Board Meeting.
(3) 13.1. Decisions by the Board
(3) 13.1.1 Tax Exempt Status. The Board adopts no policy and approves no action that
would endanger ICP’s status as a “nonprofit” educational organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America, except after detailed study and weighing of the financial and professional costs that the proposed policy or action may produce. [See (4)7.2.]
(3) 13.1.2. No proxy votes are accepted as a vote on any motion before the Board.
(3) 13.1.3. A Director, who cannot attend a Board Meeting, may present a written
statement of his or her views on a specific matter of International Council of Psychologists business. The statement is included in the Agenda, or read to the Board, for the information of other Board Directors, but does not constitute a vote.
(3) 13.1.4. Decisions on policy innovations and major policy changes [defined in
(3)13.1.5.], which have received affirmative votes of less than a majority of the entire Board (less than nine Directors), are later submitted to a mail ballot of the entire Board.
(3) 13.1.5. The phrase “policy innovations and major policy changes,” in (3)13.1.4., includes:
(3) Changes in dues structure.
(3) Changes in membership requirements.
(3) Any matter presented at a Board Meeting by three Directors, who ask that the matter be treated as a “policy innovation” or “major policy change.”
(3) 13.1.6. Closed Session. On motion approved by a majority of the Directors with voting privileges, a session of a Board Meeting may go into “Closed Session,” to discuss a specified issue. No visitors or observers attend. Minutes of the Closed Session are taken and preserved by the Secretary, but are not included in the published Minutes of the Board Meeting. Votes taken in a Closed Session are not official actions, until confirmed by vote in an open session. When the Closed Session is adjourned, and the open session resumed, a motion on the issue may be presented, and an official vote taken and recorded in the Minutes of the Board Meeting.
(3) 13.1.7. Mail Ballots of the Board of Directors.
(3) Mail ballots of the Board on “policy innovations” and “major policy changes” [see (3)13.1.4. and (3)13.1.5.] require approval by a majority of the entire Board.
(3) Mail ballots of the Board, on issues not designated as “policy innovations” or “major policy changes,” may be approved by affirmative votes of a majority of the Directors returning voted ballots by the designated deadline.
(3) 14.1. Executive Committee
(3) 14.1.1. The President chairs the Executive Committee. Decisions that require Board approval between Annual or Special Meetings of the Board are submitted by the President to the Executive Committee for decision. Any member of the Executive Committee may request the President to conduct such a vote of the Executive Committee on a particular topic. Such a request requires action.
(3) 14.1.2. For approval, three affirmative votes of members of the Executive Committee are required. After a ballot has been taken, if any one member of the Executive Committee so requests, the matter is submitted to a mail ballot of the entire Board for approval. Approval of the Board on that ballot requires affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors returning voted ballots by the designated deadline.
(3) 14.1.3. Polls of the Executive Committee preferably should be in writing, and the replies recorded, kept on file, and reported in the Annual Report of the Executive Committee to the Board.
(3) 14.1.4. If a telephone poll is deemed essential, it is immediately followed by a
written report of the question and the decision, sent to all members of the Executive Committee, included in the record of the Executive Committee actions for the year, and reported in the Annual Report of the Executive Committee to the Board.
(3) 14.1.5. A question involving a “policy innovation” or “major policy change” [see also (3)13.1.4.., (3)13.1.5.., and (3)13.1.7.] is referred to a mail ballot of the entire Board, not to the Executive Committee.
(4) 1.1. The President is the professional administrative leader of the International Council of Psychologists, responsible for seeing that the activities of the International Council of Psychologists proceed smoothly during his or her Presidential year, and that advance planning for the following year and the years ahead is given priority.
(4) 1.2. The President, in consultation with the Treasurer, will not authorize expenditures that exceed the Board’s approved budget by more than ten percent (10%), without approval by the Executive Committee.
(4) 4.1. The Secretary, to insure the accuracy of the Minutes of Board Meetings and the Annual Membership Business Meetings, may tape the proceedings. The tape is erased after the Minutes have been approved or corrected at the next Annual Board and/or Annual Membership Business Meeting.
(4) 4.2. At the request of any Director of the Board, the tape recorder will be turned off during the discussion of a specific topic, but not at the recording of the vote.
(4) 5.1. In addition to the duties enumerated in Bylaw Article 4, Paragraph 5, the Treasurer:
(4) 5.1.1. Is closely associated with all the financial details of the International Council of Psychologists.
(4) 5.1.2. Is accountable for all funds, deeds, stocks, and securities of the International Council of Psychologists, and sees that they are deposited in the name of the International Council of Psychologists in such bank or banks as the Board may direct.
(4) 5.1.3. Recommends to the Board policies and procedures that may enable the
International Council of Psychologists to make greater progress toward its goals, within its financial limitations.
(4) 5.1.4. Supervises the development of the Budget prior to each fiscal year, and
presents it to the Board for adoption.
(4) 5.1.5. Prepares and presents an Annual Report to the Board, which includes a balance sheet showing the assets and liabilities of the Council at the beginning and end of the fiscal year, and provides a breakdown of income and expenditures according to budget categories.
(4) 5.1.6. Presents a summary of the financial affairs of the International Council of Psychologists at the Annual Membership Business Meeting.
(4) 7.1. Any clerical function assigned by the Bylaws to a specific Officer, Director, or
appointed leader may be delegated to the Secretariat, on approval by the Board or its Executive Committee, and by agreement of those concerned, after assurance from the Secretary-General that the facilities and budget of the Secretariat are adequate for the responsibility concerned.
(4) 7.2. The Board avoids, to the extent compatible with the pursuits of its purposes, any policies or actions that would endanger the International Council of Psychologist’s tax-exempt status. [See also (3)13.1.1.]
(4) 7.3. Responsibilities of Directors as Individuals:
(4) 7.3.1. Directors of the International Council of Psychologists (the Council or ICP) are policy makers of the Council. Each Director studies the operations of ICP, in relation to its goals and capabilities, and considers the direction its future development should take, in light of ICP’s financial status, its members’ capabilities and interests, and its reputation for high scientific and professional standards in psychology.
(4) 7.3.2. Individual Directors are not elected primarily as representatives of any one area of the world, or any one psychological specialty, or any one of ICP’s varied activities and programs. Each Director contributes his or her expertise in such matters, to the deliberations of the Board, in the best interests of the entire organization.
(4) 7.3.3. Directors do not merely react to proposals made to the Board, but are active in submitting proposals for future meetings, activities, research, or action programs, through which ICP may “advance psychology and the application of its scientific findings around the world.”
(4) 7.3.4. Directors carry out their responsibilities through attendance at ICP’s Annual Conventions and the related Annual Board Meetings, through correspondence, through initiating and supporting plans for annual, regional, and national meetings, or for projects through which ICP may advance its goals.
(4) 7.3.5. When accepting a nomination as a Director, a Member states that he or she expects to attend the Annual Conventions held in his or her own or adjoining countries, during the three Annual Conventions that span his or her tenure of office. The Director is also expected to attend at least one Annual Convention held elsewhere. Directors realize that ICP’s limited financial resources do not permit the Council to pay for, or contribute to, the travel expenses of Directors.
(4) 7.3.6. Language Facility. All sessions are conducted in English. Therefore, a Member
who accepts a nomination as Director should be sufficiently fluent in that language to deal with extensive correspondence, to participate in discussions at Board and Annual Membership Business Meetings, and to cast an informed vote.
(4) 7.3.7. Annual Report. Each Director prepares an Annual Report of the activities he or she has conducted on behalf of ICP, opinions on current issues facing ICP, and recommendations for future actions, and submits the Report to the Secretary-General by the announced deadline.
The Secretary-General sends edited copies of all Annual Reports to all
Directors of the Outgoing and Incoming Boards.
(4) 7.3.8. The Board approves all appointments made by the President.
(5) 1. Standing Committees
(5) 1.1. The Membership Committee.
(5) 1.1.1. The Membership Committee reviews information on applicants for
membership, considers whether the information fulfills all criteria for membership, and
determines which category of membership, if any, is appropriate for each applicant.
(5) 1.1.2. The Membership Chair may call upon the Membership Application Processing Group for information and advice on a specific applicant, topic, or proposed guideline related to membership procedures, and when an official report is required on a controversial application. Members of the Membership Application Processing Group need not necessarily be Area Chairs. Members of the Membership Application Processing Group also advise and assist with the recruitment of new members for ICP.
(5) 1.1.3. Area Chairs are among the principal agents through whom the Membership Committee carries out its duty to promote the extension of membership. Area Chairs serve for three-year terms, subject to renewa l upon the current ICP President’s recommendations and Board approval. The President may receive recommendations for Area Chairs from the World Area Chair. Area Chairs may be called upon for information and advice needed to interpret information submitted by an applicant, or to assist in the development of membership guidelines appropriate to the country concerned.
(5) 1.1.4. The Membership Committee and Area Chairs rely upon, and actively seek, the advice of qualified psychologists in specific countries, who are knowledgeable about their respective countries’ training, certification, service settings, and employment requirements. The definition of the term “psychologist,” and the understanding of that
concept, vary greatly from country. ICP should adapt its definitions and requirements to the culture, professional standards, and the training programs of an applicant’s country, and not attempt to impose the requirements of one country on another.
(5) 1.1.5. It is the intent of the ICP that the use of the term “Member,” as distinguished from “Associate, “Professional Affiliate,” or “Student Affiliate,” as defined in Bylaw 2, is restricted, insofar as the Membership Committee can determine, in the following respects. The term “Member” is used only for persons with substantial valid scientific training in psychology at graduate levels in recognized institutions of higher learning, and whose competency is recognized by appropriate diplomas, degrees, or official licenses and certificates, and who are respected by leaders in psychology in the applicant’s country.
(5) 1.1.6. All applications are to be endorsed by persons who know the applicant personally, or have access to appropriate information. Preferably, endorsers should be Members of ICP, or other psychologists who can be identified by the World Area Chair and Membership Chair. If some data on the application form is unclear, the endorser may be queried for interpretation of specific items, as well as on the endorser’s knowledge of the applicant as a professional person.
Area Chairs for the applicant’s country, or other appropriate officers, leaders, or Members of ICP, may also be consulted, either on individual cases, or for help in establishing guidelines appropriate to the country concerned.
(5) 1.2. Area Chairs Committee.
(5) 1.2.1. The Area Chairs Committee is headed by the World Area Chair, who is
appointed for a three-year term by the President, with approval by the Board. The term of the World Area Chair may be renewed, upon the President’s recommendation, and approval by the Board.
(5) 1.2.2. Regional Area Chair Coordinators are appointed by the President, with
approval by the Board, with terms that have no specified time limits.
(5) 1.2.3. Area Chairs are appointed by the President, with approval by the Board, for the purpose of promoting the goals of the International Council of Psychologists in a specified geographical area. The President may receive recommendations about Area Chairs from the World Area Chair and Regional Area Chair Coordinators.
(5) 1.2.4. Area Chairs accept responsibility for assisting in the development of ICP activities and policies in a specific country, a group of countries, or regions within a country, with the overall objective of advancing psychology and the application of its scientific findings around the world.
(5) 1.2.5. Area Chairs are usually Members of the ICP, but on approval by the Board, may be selected from Associates or Professional Affiliates.
(5) 1.2.6. Duties of Area Chairs include:
(5) New Memberships and Changes in Membership Status. Area Chairs are ex-officio members of the ICP Membership Committee. Area Chairs work to promote ICP membership among psychologists in their respective areas, and advise the Chair of the Membership Committee on facts related to their respective countries, and the meaning, for example, of various diplomas, licenses, degrees, or certificates commonly used in particular countries.
Critical issues arise when an applicant, whether for new membership or a change in membership status, states that he or she is “eligible for membership” or a “specific category of membership,” but is not a member of the psychological association of a particular country. The Area Chair, when forwarding such an application, or when queried by the Membership Chair, should ascertain the facts as to the membership requirements of the national psychological association, and the qualifications of the applicant.
(5) Membership Maintenance. An Area Chair is informed when a member from his or her area is about to be dropped for nonpayment of dues. The Area Chair takes steps to reawaken the member’s interest in the ICP, and renew the member’s awareness of the values of membership.
(5) Publicity. Area Chairs work to publicize the purposes and activities of the ICP, by working through national, state, or regional psychological associations and their periodicals, and through personal contacts with psychological colleagues in university, community, and employment settings.
At conferences of such associations, ICP publications may be
displayed and membership information distributed. The Area Chair may suggest to such
associations symposia on topics of international interest, which could be presented with ICP cooperation.
(5) Newsletter Correspondent. Area Chairs communicate with the Editor of ICP’s newsletter, the International Psychologist (IP), and: report significant developments in the field of psychology in their areas; forward news of ICP members, their publications, honors, organizations, meetings, and other matters of interest; suggest the types of content that ICP members in their area would like to see in the IP; and provide copy for such listings or articles,and/or suggest appropriate courses or methods for conveying such information or material.
(5) Scientific Program Committee Consultant. Area Chairs communicate with the Chairs of ICP’s Annual Convention Scientific Program Committees, and suggest possible participants, emphases, topics, and/or new research
material that would enrich each year’s convention program.
(5) Personal Contacts Facilitator. Area Chairs assist ICP members from other countries, who plan to travel to their areas, or who seek research collaboration or professional dialogue in particular areas. Area Chairs also seek reciprocal assistance for colleagues in their areas who desire similar contacts abroad.
(5) Regional Meetings. Area Chairs organize, or assist in the organization of, regional ICP meeƒArticle tings that have been approved by the Board.
(5) Annual Report to the Board. Area Chairs submit an Annual Report to the Board, which includes the year’s activities, accomplishments, problems, and
recommendations for the future.
(5) 1.3. Nominations and Elections Committee.
(5) 1.3.1. The immediate Past-President is Chair of the Nominations and Elections
Committee, which includes a Nominations Sub-Committee devoted to finding candidates and constructing a ballot, and an Elections Sub-Committee devoted to validating and counting ballots, and constructing and signing the Elections Report. Four other members of the Nominations Sub- Committee are chosen by the Past-President from a list of at least ten (10) suggested by the Board at the annual meeting preceding the election.
(5) 1.3.2. Any member of the Nominations Sub-Committee or Elections Sub-Committee, who is put forward as a candidate for election, must make a decision about whether to run for election and immediately resign from the Nominations Sub-Committee or Elections Sub- Committee, or not to run and stay on the Nominations Committee.
(5) 1.3.3. Each Committee member is charged with consulting at least five other members of ICP in a search for possible nominees from a variety of countries.
(5) 1.3.4. In considering potential nominees, the Nominations Sub-Committee studies the duties of the various Officers and Directors, as outlined in Bylaws and AP&P Article 4, and insures that potential nominees are aware of the duties of the suggested office, and their expected attendance at Annual Conventions. Professional Affiliates, Associates, and Student Affiliates are not eligible to hold elective office.
(5) After member recommendations for nominations are received, all
candidates will be contacted by the Nominations and Elections Chair to confirm their willingness to serve, before their names are listed on the First Slate.
(5) 1.3.5. Time Schedule.
(5) Members will be invited to submit nominations for Officers and
Directors when they send in their Dues Statements.
(5) Call for Nominations. A call to the membership for suggested
nominations is published in the August issue of the IP, and stressed orally at sessions of the Annual Convention.
A deadline for replies, no later than November 1, is announced.
Persons submitting recommendations state their reasons for their recommendations, and the qualifications of the potential nominees.
(5) Committee Preferences. All suggestions for nominations received by the Chair by November 1, in reply to the call in the IP, or to correspondence between Committee members, are circulated to the Committee by November 15, with a request for ordering preferences for each position. There are at least two, preferably more, suggested nominations for each office, and twelve for the four Director-at-Large positions. A deadline of December 1 is set for replies to the Chair.
If vacancies on the Board have occurred since the Nominations Sub-Committee started its work, the Sub-Committee shall seek nominees to fill the vacancies so created, even in the event that BL 3.9. was implemented. (BL 3.9.--In the event of the death, disability, or resignation of a Director, the Executive Committee, by majority vote, appoints a successor to serve the unexpired term.)
(5) First Slate. A “first slate” of suggested nominees, two or more for each vacancy, is prepared by the Chair, on the basis of the preferences of the Committee members. Letters go to each person on this slate before December 15, enclosing a statement of the duties and responsibilities of the position, with a request for an acceptance or rejection of the possible nomination by January 15.
If the candidate accepts, he or she submits a summary of background information, current professional activities, present and past service to ICP, and ideas about future directions for ICP.
(5) Second Slate. On January 15, if persons on the first slate have refused the offered nomination, or have not replied, the Committee Chair proceeds to the next names on the list of ordered priorities, including additional suggestions, and may use telephone, telegraph, cable, fax, e-mail, or any other similar communication form, to secure additional acceptances if needed. The same enclosure concerning duties, and the same request for personal information is sent to each new name.
(5) Final Slate. A final slate is ready by February 15, and a ballot
prepared, with necessary instructions and accompanying information on each candidate. The ballot includes at least two nominations for each office, and at least eight for Directors-at-Large.
(5) Ballots. On, or before, February 20, the election ballots are mailed to all voting members of ICP, by e-mail and direct mail according to the distribution system for the IP.
The ballots contain these instructions: “Your signature and address on your return envelope is required to validate your ballot. Your name will be checked with the list of members currently eligible to vote, as provided by the Secretary-General, and then cut from the envelope before the ballot is withdrawn.”
(5) The deadline for receipt of voted ballots is set at least 45 days from the date of e-mailing and mailing of the ballots.
(5) An Elections Sub-Committee of the Nominations and Elections
Committee consists of the Nominations and Elections Chair and two other ICP members chosen by the Past President from a list of at least six (6) suggested by the board at the annual meeting preceding the election, and who could be present at the opening and counting of the ballots.
(5) At a meeting immediately after the deadline, they validate
the ballot envelopes, and open and tally the votes.
(5) Ballots are valid only from members for whom the
Secretariat files show, prior to the counting of the ballots, that dues have been paid for that year.
(5) In the event of a tie vote for any elected position, the Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee will cast the deciding vote. Members of the Elections Subcommittee sign a report of their count, notify the President, and send the report promptly to the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General notifies the Board, the nominees, the Committee members, and the IP Editor of the results.
(5) Only the total number of ballots cast, the number of valid
ballots, and the names of candidates will be reported in the distributed results, except to the Board of Directors, who will also be told the specific number result for each candidate. Any candidate requesting the number results will be given the total number of valid ballots cast and only his or her specific number of votes.
(5) The Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee will transfer, to the Secretary-General, the sealed invalid ballots, valid ballots, stack of separated envelopes from the valid ballots, and the Election Report signed by all members of the Elections Subcommittee. The Secretary-General will hold the package for each election for three years.
(5) 1.4. Archives Committee.
(5) 1.4.1. The Chair of the Archives Committee is responsible for overseeing the archival procedures of ICP. The Archives Chair is appointed by the President, with approval by the Board, for a term that has no specified time limit.
(5) 1.4.2. The Chair reviews archival procedures of ICP from time to time, and
recommends changes in policy or procedure when needed.
(5) 1.4.3. The Chair, at appropriate times, reminds ICP leaders of their archival
responsibilities, and endeavors to see that the procedures established are followed.
(5) 1.4.4. The archives of ICP are currently kept in three locations:
(5) The Archives of the History of American Psychology (AHAP),
University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 4432, Dr. John D. Popplestone, Director, is the official
repository for the archives of the International Council of Psychologists, as approved by the Board in August, 1976, confirming previous action.
(5) The Secretariat of ICP performs the following archival functions.
(5) Complete sets of the corporate papers, Minutes, and
newsletters are kept in accessible files indefinitely, duplicating materials sent to AHAP.
(5) Dues record cards, for active and former members, and
membership cards showing records of service to ICP are retained permanently in the Secretariat.
(5) The Secretariat may accept archival material from various leaders, and transfer it to AHAP when appropriate.
(5) Correspondence and other records of the Secretariat, except as specified in (5) or (5) above, are kept in calendar year files, and transferred to the Archives as provided for all record keeping.
(5) Each leader retains archival material concerning that leader’s service to ICP, and similar material received from his or her predecessor, in calendar year files. When a file is three years old, it is forwarded to AHAP.
(5) 1.4.5. AHAP Services to ICP.
(5) AHAP, the Archives of the History of American Psychology, has filed and indexed extensive archives of ICP, reaching back to the founding of the National Council of Women Psychologists, ICP’s predecessor organization, in 1942.
(5) Any ICP member, or any psychologist with a valid research interest,
may have access to the AHAP files of ICP materials.
(5) For official ICP papers needed by ICP Officers, AHAP will search its index, locate the material, if available without charge, and provide photocopies at cost. Requests for material, other than requests from officers on official ICP business, will be similarly met, but a charge for the search time will be made.
(5) Researchers are welcome. AHAP provides facilities to assist persons
searching the AHAP files.
(5) 1.5. Convention Management. At least three committees participate in the planning and organizing of each ICP Annual Convention.
(5) 1.5.1. The Scientific Program Committee for each convention is a Standing Committee chaired by the President-Elect. The Committee begins work as soon as the election results are announced, prior to the Annual Convention and Board Meeting, in which the Committee’s Chair is installed as President-Elect.
(5) The Chair recommends Committee members and the Annual
Convention program format, before the Convention of the year in which the Chair is installed as President-Elect.
(5) A clear time frame for the submission of abstracts is established and published in all Calls for Papers.
(5) The Chair of the Scientific Program Committee processes program proposals received in response to the Call for Papers.
(5) Persons submitting program proposals include a signed statement that, if their proposal is accepted, they will pay the Annual Convention registration fee, attend, and present the material in person. The same agreement is required from persons invited to participate in symposia, or make other program contributions, with the exception of persons specially invited to present a major address, or non-psychologists invited to make specific presentations, and would not be
expected to wish to attend the rest of the Annual Convention program.
(5) If, for any reason, after attendance has been guaranteed, a program participant finds it impossible to attend, he or she immediately reports to the Scientific Program Chair, who will then substitute another paper or program. If a program participant fails to attend, and has not informed the Scientific Program Chair in time for substitutions to be made, the delinquent participant is not accepted for program participation in the next two years. The Call for Papers carries an announcement of the required Guarantee of Attendance, and this Administrative Policy.
(5) 1.5.2. A Local Sponsors and Arrangements Committee Chair is appointed, with approval by the Board. Local Sponsors and Arrangements Committee members usually reside in the convention area, and are appointed at least one year in advance. Members of this Committee assist in the following:
(5) The development of plans for the comfort and entertainment of
participants at the Annual Convention. The Chair appoints Committee members, including some living in the area of the Convention.
(5) If an Annual Convention is held at a university, the Psychology
Department of that university is asked to appoint a faculty member to serve on the Local
Sponsors and Arrangements Committee, or to act as a liaison to the Committee. The university’s Department Chair and the appointed representative are given complimentary one-year memberships in ICP. This ensures that they receive complimentary copies of all ICP publications, Annual Convention announcements, and all reports from the Convention.
(5) The Local Sponsors and Arrangements Committee advises the Board concerning an appropriate registration fee for the Annual Convention, adequate to cover all needed services and facilities for an excellent Convention.
(5) The President-Elect selects one invited speaker for the upcoming ICP Annual Convention, and the local sponsors select the other invited speakers.
(5) Late Registration Fees. Decisions about the deadline for collecting or waiving late fees will be left to the discretion of the Local Sponsors and Arrangements Committee.
(5) Any person with documented full-time student status is eligible for ICP Student Affiliate Annual Convention fees.
(5) The profits or losses of an ICP Annual Convention are the responsibility of ICP.
(5) 1.5.3. A Long Range Planning Committee.
(5) The Long Range Planning Committee is responsible for assuring Board selection of sites of Annual Conventions for the ensuing two years, as well studying proposals for the ensuing four years. The Long Range Planning Committee recommends to the Board, at least a year before a convention, a site, a theme, and basic financial arrangements, after studying alternative proposed sites.
(5) The Long Range Planning Committee, with the assistance of the Secretary-General, prepares a budget for the Annual Convention, showing anticipated income and expenses, usually overlapping three ICP fiscal years: the year in which the Annual Convention being planned takes place, and the years preceding and following that Annual Convention, during which some of the income may be received, and some of the expenses paid.
(5) Preparation of the budget involves establishing registration fees, Continuing Education course fees, related tours fees, housing charges, estimated income from travel, and other potential income, with the total budgeted income at levels expected to cover the total ICP outlay for the Annual Convention.
(5) Unusual Annual Convention expenses require approval by the Board or Executive Committee, before they are included in the Annual Convention budget.
(5) The Annual Convention budget is necessarily an advisory document, based on some estimates that cannot be confirmed far in advance. The budget provides guidelines for the Scientific Program Committee and the Local Sponsors and Arrangements Committee. Major departures from the original budget are to be explained by the Secretary-General in the annual financial reports, with an amended Annual Convention budget. The actual receipts and expenses of an Annual Convention appear in ICP’s financial books by the fiscal years in which transactions actually take place.
(5) Expenses of Participants. ICP has no funds or sources of funds, other than for travel expenses for a person invited to present a major address, in which case this person may be offered partial reimbursement for travel and housing, within the Annual Convention budget. Other participants are not to be reimbursed for such costs.
(5) Tours. Travel opportunities offered by ICP are appropriate to the purposes of ICP. They may be arranged to facilitate attendance at ICP Annual Conventions. A specific travel agent, recommended by the Secretary-General, is approved by the Board.
If the travel agency allocates one or more complimentary trips to ICP, priority is given to the Secretary-General. If the Secretary-General cannot use the travel allowance, or if additional complimentary trips are available, the President recommends recipients to the Executive Committee or the Board. Nonetheless, ICP is responsible for the travel expenses of the Secretary-General to attend ICP Annual Conventions.
(5) Cancellation policies applying to all Annual Convention fees, including fees for registration, Continuing Education, and others, will be clearly articulated in all announcements for an Annual Convention.
(5) 1.6. The Chair of the Publications Committee serves for a term that does not have a specified period of time.
(5) 1.7. Continuing Education programs may be offered by ICP in connection with ICP Annual Conventions, or at other times and places. General policies are approved by the Board.
(5) 1.7.1. A Continuing Education Administrator is appointed by the President, with approval by the Board, for a term of three years, which is renewable on reappointment by the President, with approval by the Board. The Administrator recommends policies for approval by the Board, and arrangements for approval by the President. The Administrator submits to APA required data, including course description forms and forms for the registration of credits earned by participants, prepares annual reports to APA, and files requests for renewal of APA approval of ICP as an authorized agency, at intervals specified by APA.
(5) 1.7.2. An Advisory Committee on Continuing Education is nominated by the
Continuing Education Administrator, and appointed by the President, from Members in the same community as the Continuing Education Administrator.
(5) 1.7.3. Arrangements as to content of Continuing Education programs, leaders of the programs, tuition fees, and reimbursement of the leaders are made by the Continuing Education Administrator, with the assistance of the Advisory Committee. These arrangements are subject to approval by the President.
(5) 1.7.4. ICP’s Continuing Education programs meet standards set by the American Psychological Association, which has accredited ICP as an agency authorized to offer credit for such programs. These credits are accepted in the U.S.A. by some agencies, school systems, universities, and state and other governmental bodies, in connection with psychologist state licensing requirements, and employee personnel records, salary increases, sabbatical leaves, or other programs of an employing agency.
(5) 1.9. Representatives to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC), where ICP holds Special Consultative Status, and representatives to the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN-DPI). ICP appoints, to the United Nations in New York Headquarters, Vienna, and Geneva, a number of representatives that is consistent with the UN’s current allowable limits at each UN office.
(5) 1.9.1. Representatives at the United Nations are appointed for terms of three years, which are renewable on reappointment by the President, with approval by the Board.
(5) 2. Other Committees
(5) 2.1. Other committees may include:
(5) 2.1.1. Advance Policy Planning, for ICP policies and activities other than Annual Conventions.
(5) 2.1.2. Regional Meetings Committee. To encourage and stimulate proposals for regional meetings, and to assist the Secretary-General and the Board in reviewing proposals.
(5) After a Regional Meeting is approved by the Board, the management of the meeting is the responsibility of the proposers and others they may enlist, under a Chair approved by the Board.
(5) 2.1.3. Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures Revision Committee, with duties to:
(5) Keep a record of amendments to the Bylaws and changes in the Administrative Policies and Procedures, as approved by the membership or the Board, and to compile and publish a revised edition of the Handbook, at the direction of the Board.
(5) Make recommendations to the Board on additional amendments or changes.
(5) 2.1.4. Dues. Committee on Revision of Dues Structure
(5) 2.1.5. SHARE. Hospitality Committee for traveling psychologists.
(5) 2.1.6. Scientific Research Mentoring Committee. The purpose of this Committee is to help find research mentors for other ICP members, and external reviewers of ICP members’ grant proposals.
(5) 2.1.7. Task Force for Joint Meeting Collaboration and Exploration.
(5) 2.1.8. Award Committees.
(5) Seisoh Sukemune/Bruce Bain Early Career Research Award.
(5) Florence Denmark/Gori Gunvald Gender Studies Award
(5) 2.2. Committees on Professional Concerns.
(5) 2.2.1. These committees often require several years of ongoing work. Appointments of chairs and members may be for one or more years, renewable by the Board. Topics will vary with changing interests of the members of ICP.
(5) 2.2.2. Committees on professional concerns may use the following methods of
advancing their projects, but are not limited to such:
(5) Organize and present a symposium on the topic for presentation at an ICP Annual Convention, or other meetings where ICP sponsorship of the program will be acknowledged.
(5) Generate a publication, perhaps resulting from the above symposium, or from other Committee activity. Approval of plans and financing of such a publication must be approved by the Board, with the advice of the Publications Committee.
(5) Establish a directory of names and addresses of interest group
members, or a bibliography of value on the particular topic.
(5) Conduct ongoing review of the literature in the field, which might result in an IP column, or other form of publication or duplicating, and provide for periodic updating.
(5) Stimulate or carry out a multinational or cross-cultural research survey or project.
(5) Draft resolutions or position papers for approval by the Board.
(5) 3. Other Appointments
(5) 3.1. Interest Group Coordinators are appointed for terms of three years, by appointment of the President, with approval by the Board. The appointment may be extended for a second term by appointment of the President, with approval by the Board.
(5) 3.2.1. Liaison Correspondents. Liaison Correspondents are appointed for three-year terms, which are renewable on reappointment by the President, with approval by the Board. A Coordinator of Liaison Correspondents may be appointed by the President, with approval by the Board, to strengthen the program.
(5) Duties of Liaison Correspondents.
(5) Report to the organization to which he or she is assignedthose activities, and convey plans of ICP that may be of particular interest to that organization.
(5) Report similarly selected news of the activities and plans of the liaison organization to the Editor of the IP and/or to the Board of ICP.
(5) This two-way communication, in some cases, may lead to suggestions as to additional cooperative planning. The Liaison Correspondent has no authority to commit ICP to such plans, but may make recommendations to the Board.
(5) Similarly, the organization accepting the appointment of an ICP Liaison Correspondent is, in no way, committed to any further relationship with ICP.
(5) Among the organizations involved may be:
AGPA: American Group Psychotherapy Association
AHP: Association for Humanistic Psychology
APGA: American Personnel and Guidance Association, International Relations Committee
AWP: Association of Women Psychologists
CIES: Fulbright Commission: Commission for International Exchange of Scholars
CISV/ISSE: Children’s International Summer Villages, and International School to School Exchange
CPA: Canadian Psychological Association, Section on International and Cross-Cultural Psychology
CIRP: Committee on International Relations in Psychology, of the American Psychological Association
CSCPRC: Committee on Scientific Communication with the Peoples Republic of China
CSPA: California State Psychological Association, International Committee
Division 52, International Division, of the American Psychological Association
IAAP: International Association for Applied Psychology
IACCP: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
ICAC: International Committee on Autistic Children
IIE: Institute for International Education
IOSGT: International Organization for the Study of Group Tensions
ISPA: International School Psychology Association
IRA: International Reading Association
ISPP: International Society for Political Psychology
ISSBD: International Society for the Study of Behavior Development
IUPsyS: International Union of Psychological Science
JPS: Jean Piaget Society
PIRI: Psychologists Interested in Religious Issues
Psi Chi: National Honor Society in Psychology for the USA [see AP&P (7)2.3]
RI: Rehabilitation International
SHARE: Sharing Home and Round the World Experiences: a joint hospitality program for psychologists, cosponsored by ICP and six or more other psychological organizations
SIETAR: Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research
SIP: Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia
WFMH: World Federation for Mental Health
(5) Procedures for Appointment of Liaison Correspondents
(5) For relationships that already exist with liaison
(5) The President of ICP, with the approval of the Board, nominates a member of ICP who is also a member of the liaison organization, or is vitally interested in the particular field of psychology of the liaison organization.
(5) The liaison organization is notified of the
nomination, and asked to recognize the appointment.
(5) The liaison relationship with a specific
organization continues, until terminated by either ICP or the liaison organization.
(5) The appointment of an individual, as a Liaison
Correspondent to a specific liaison organization, terminates at the next Annual Board Meeting. The appointment may be renewed, without limit.
(5) To initiate a liaison relationship with an international
organization, where such a relationship has not previously existed:
(5) The Board of ICP first approves an approach
to the organization. An individual may be tentatively approved for the post at the same time, or later.
(5) An inquiry is made to the proposed liaison organization, to determine its interest. ICP’s rules relating to Liaison Correspondents are enclosed with the inquiry, to indicate the extent and limitations of the proposed liaison.
(5) If the organization so approached indicates interest, the organization is notified of the name, address, and background of the ICP Liaison Correspondent, and asked to approve the appointment.
(5) 3.2.2. Professional Concerns Agents are appointed for three-year terms, which are
renewable on reappointment by the President, with approval by the Board.
(5) 3.2.3. Ambassadors receive certificates, in recognition of their lifetime service and lifetime appointments.
(5) 3.3.1. Statutory Agent. As required by the ICP Certificate of Incorporation, a
Member of ICP is appointed Statutory Agent, and given the responsibility for seeing that a biennial report of ICP activities and finances is made to the Secretary of the State of Connecticut, and that amendments to the ICP Certificate of Incorporation, as approved by the membership, are filed with, and approved by the State of Connecticut.
(5) 3.3.2. Fiscal Agents serve for a term that has no specified time limit.
(5) 4. Making and Terminating Appointments.
(5) 4.1. Appointive leaders are nominated by the President, and approved by the Board, except as otherwise specified in the Bylaws or Administrative Policies and Procedures.
(5) 4.2. All appointments expire at the close of the next Outgoing Board Meeting, unless theBoard, when establishing the position, or approving a specific appointment, specifies a longer term.
(5) 4.3. Appointees may be reappointed by vote of the Incoming Boards, without limitation as to length of service, except as otherwise specified in the Bylaws or Administrative Policies and Procedures. The Board considers the importance of providing experience in ICP activities to, and utilizing the talents of, many members, as well as the value of continuity.
(5) 4.4. An appointee may be relieved of his responsibilities before the expiration of his term, by the President, with approval by the Board.
(5) 4.5. Committee members are nominated by the Chair of the Committee, and approved by the President, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws or Administrative Policies and Procedures. Paragraphs (5)4.3. and (5)4.4. apply to Committee members, as well as Chairs.
(5) 4.6. Committee Chairs are designated as leaders. Other committee members are not so designated.
(6) 1.1. Annual Convention.
(6) 1.1.1. Rotation of Sites. Annual Conventions are held at various sites around the world, to facilitate attendance over the years by as many members as possible. Conventions are held in the A.S.A.P. or Canada no more frequently than every second year.
(6) 1.1.2. Sites and dates may be selected to facilitate attendance of participants at an ICP and other major psychological convention, for example, of International Association of Applied Psychology (IAA), the International Union of Psychological Sciences (IUPsyS), or the American Psychological Association (APA).
(6) 1.1.3. Site Accessibility. To the extent feasible, ICP’s Annual Conventions are held only in facilities accessible to handicapped persons. Accessibility refers not only to entrances to buildings and meeting rooms, but to such essentials as toilets, drinking fountains, telephones, and others.
(6) 1.1.4. In the event an Annual ICP Convention has to be canceled, the President and the Executive Committee will arrange to have a one-half to full day ICP Board Meeting at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.
(6) 1.1.5. Annual Convention Insurance. Local Program Committees should consider the feasibility of convention insurance, and submit a report and/or proposal to the Board for their consideration.
(6) 2.1. Regional Meetings.
(6) 2.1.1. Regional Meetings may be held in a region that includes two or more countries. Regional Meetings are planned to attract participation primarily from a few specified countries, not worldwide, although psychologists from elsewhere are, of course, welcome.
(6) 2.1.2. A group of ICP members interested in organizing such a conference, or
appropriate university or other institution, in cooperation with such members, may request the Board to approve a proposed Regional Meeting, specifying the proposed dates, site, theme, sponsors, and area of interest. A regional meeting is not announced until it has been approved by the Board.
(6) 3.1. National or Local Meetings.
(6) 3.1.1. National or Local Meetings of ICP members may be called without Board approval, as long as there is approval of the Area chair concerned.
(6) 3.1.2. National or local meetings are not announced as a meeting of a chapter of ICP. ICP has no chapters.
(6) 4.1. ICP Meetings within Programs of Other International Organizations.
(6) 4.1.1. An ICP Member of group of Members, who are also members of another
international psychological organization, may organize a program, and submit it to the Program Committee of that organization. The program may be a professional presentation or a social activity.
(6) 4.1.2. If the request is that it be announced as cosponsored by the International
Council of Psychologists, it is first approved by the Board.
(6) 4.1.3. For those activities for which ICP is responsible at conventions of other
organizations, an ICP Director is assigned to act as Coordinator, to attend, and to report back to the ICP Board.
(6) 5.1. Annual Membership Business Meeting.
(6) 5.1.1. At the Annual Membership Business Meeting, the Officers present reports, including a summary of the financial affairs of the Council. The meeting is opened by the outgoing President, who introduces the incoming President. Discussion of ICP policies and activities is encouraged, and proceeds in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
(6) 5.1.2. Motions passed on substantive issues may recommend that the Board study the specific issue or action, or may order the Board to conduct a mail ballot of the membership.
(6) 5.1.3. Issues of ICP business, considered likely to be brought up at an Annual
Membership Business Meeting, are reported and discussed, pro and con, in an issue of the IP that will reach members before the Annual Convention.
(6) 6.1. Conduct of Board and Annual Membership Business Meetings.
(6) 6.1.1. When feasible, a Director, who is knowledgeable on parliamentary procedures, is appointed as the Parliamentarian.
(6) 6.1.2. A tape recording of Board or Annual Membership Business Meetings may be made by, or for the Secretary (see AP&P 4.4.1. & 4.4.2.).
(6) 6.1.3. The Board and Annual Membership Business Meetings are conducted in
(6) 6.1.4. Votes taken at Annual Membership Business Meetings, according to Bylaw Article 6. Meetings, are binding.
(7) 1.1. Any change in the fiscal year dates is reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America, in accordance with IRS rules, in order to protect ICP’s tax exempt status.
(7) 1.2. ICP’s fiscal year may differ from its subscription year, dues year, and/or leadership year.
(7) 2.1. Permanent Member Dues Status.
(7) 2.1.1. Opportunities to purchase Permanent Member status were ended July 17, 2000.
(7) 2.2. Complimentary memberships, set either as permanently established or for a specific number of years, may be approved by the Board for Fulbright scholars or other nonmembers who render valuable service to ICP in connection with conventions or other ICP programs or activities.
(7) 2.2.1. Complimentary members pay no dues during the period of their
Complimentary membership.
(7) 2.3. Complimentary Student Affiliate memberships. ICP has established liaison
relationship with Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology in the United States of America, for the purpose of increasing international interests and awareness among students in psychology.
(7) 2.3.1. ICP encourages similar liaison agreements with national honor societies in psychology in other countries.
(7) 2.3.2. Chapters of Psi Chi, whose faculty sponsors are members in good standing of ICP, may name two student members of the chapter to receive ICP Complimentary Student Affiliate membership for one year. Students awarded these Complimentary Student Affiliate memberships complete applications for ICP membership, which are endorsed as “Complimentary” by the faculty sponsor, and submitted to ICP.
(7) These Complimentary Student Affiliates are listed in the ICP
“Membership Directory” or “Register” published in the year of the students’ Complimentary memberships, and receive copies of the IP that are issued during that year, which are e-mailed or mailed with the faculty sponsor’s copy(ies).
(7) 2.4. Honorary Membership. The Board may approve Honorary membership for a person the Board wishes to honor. Honorary membership is for life, without dues.
(7) 3.1. Donations, contributions, or legacies, made to ICP for general purposes or a specified activity(ies) of the International Council of Psychologists, are gratefully received. ICP is recognized as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and scientific organization, under provisions of the United States’ Internal Revenue Service. Therefore, donors paying U.S. federal income taxes may take a deduction for the tax-deductible portion of contributions paid directly to ICP, or for actual expenses incurred in rendering services to ICP. However, no such deduction is allowed by the U.S. IRS for dues payments.
(7) 3.1.1. Legacies, bequests, or similar gifts to ICP entitle the U.S. donor to savings under the federal estate and gift tax laws and regulations.
(7) 3.2. With the exception noted in the paragraph 7.3.3 below, dues, donations, contributions, legacies, bills, and other payments to ICP are made only in U.S. dollars, by: credit cards; checks or drafts on USA banks or banks with USA affiliates or other official relationships with USA banks; or International Postal Money Orders, other money orders, or currency--again, all in U.S. dollars.
(7) 3.3. The exception to paragraph 7.3.2. above, in method of payment, is available in countries where a Fiscal Agent has been appointed and approved by the ICP Board, and is actively serving in that position. The names and addresses of available Fiscal Agents are given in the IP, and on notices of payment(s) due, such as Dues Statements.
(8) 1.1.1. The term approved by the Board for the Editor by of the IP is three years. The appointment may be renewed by the Board.
(8) 1.4.1. Special issues and supplements of the IP may be issued on approval by the Board.
(8) 1.4.2. Exchange and complimentary subscriptions may be authorized by the Board.
(8) 1.4.3. The IP is distributed to the membership in accordance with dues policies related to specific categories of membership, as approved by the Board.
(8) 1.4.4. Editorial Policies.
(8) The IP, as the organ of communication between ICP leaders and the
membership, and among members, carries detailed announcements of ICP business, news of ICP meetings, professional news of ICP members and their publications, reports of committees, and other items primarily of interest to the members of ICP.
(8) The IP gives as much space as feasible to news of general professional significance. Articles on international or cross cultural psychology, articles on trends in the development of psychology in various countries, and reviews of books of international interest may be included.
(8) The IP publicizes the major meetings, conventions, seminars, and
publications of international organizations, with which it has liaison relationships or other
cooperative arrangements.
(8) The IP is published in English. Occasional articles or columns may be published in French, Spanish, German, or any other language that is used by ten percent of ICP members, and uses the Roman alphabet. The most recent edition of the Membership Directory is used to determine the language percentage. Articles in a language other than English are accompanied by English resumes.
(8) Each issue of the IP will include, whenever possible, one or two short scientific or professional articles. ICP members from outside the United States are especially encouraged to contribute such articles. The IP calls attention to this policy at least annually. If such an article is not available, the Editor may invite and encourage specific members to contribute. Guidelines as to length and other factors are developed.
(8) At least one page of each issue of the IP will be made available for
contributions from Area Chairs and other ICP members who report on significant developments in specific countries.
(8) The Spring issue of the IP publishes, in addition to information about
arrangements for the upcoming Annual Convention, a separate article on policy issues likely to be discussed at the Board and Annual Membership Business Meetings.
(8) Any ICP member, who wishes to have an appeal for funds for a
psychological purpose published in an ICP publication, first submits the proposed article to the President. If the fundraising appeal appears to contribute to ICP’s goal of advancing psychology as a science and a profession, the President submits it by mail ballot to the Board, or presents it at a meeting of the Board. Only appeals for funds approved by a majority of the Board members voting on the issue are published. This rule does not apply to appeals for books, periodicals, and other professional materials from members who have difficulty in securing them, due to financial or other reasons.
(8) The Editor of the IP, from time to time, republishes a “Guidelines for
ICP Authors and Contributors,” outlining editorial policies and technical requirements for
manuscripts. Each issue carries a deadline for receipt of contributions for the following issue or issues.
(8) 1.4.5. Advertisements appropriate to a professional publication in psychology maybe accepted at rates approved by the Board. Discounts on advertising may be offered to organizations that provide services to ICP, such as publicity in their publications for ICP conventions, publications, or activities.
(8) 1.4.6. All subscriptions begin January 1 of the year for which payment is made. Back copies to January 1 are provided.
(8) 1.4.7. The IP may be published electronically, and the electronic version be made available to members, instead of the hard copy version. Members who have extenuating circumstances, such as no access to the Internet, or whose memory or software do not support opening the document, may contact their Area Chairs to receive a hard copy.
(8) 1.4.8. The number of issues per year is set by the Board, and may be changed from time to time.
(8) 2.1.1. The term, approved by the Board for the Editor of the Membership Directory, is for the length of time required to complete the Membership Directory.
(8) 2.2.1. The Membership Directory is published at least every third year.
(8) 2.2.2. The Membership Directory is designed to implement the ICP goal of opening channels of communication between members as individual psychologists.
(8) 2.2.3. Each entry, in addition to name and and contact information, includes a
member’s present professional position or positions, professional interests, language facility, highest degrees, and other data obtained from a current Membership Directory Questionnaire mailed to all members.
(8) 2.2.4. If the Membership Directory Questionnaire is not returned, data from the previous Membership Directory, or other data from official ICP records, may be published, and marked with the date the last information was received.
(8) 2.2.5. The Membership Directory is cross-indexed by geographical locations, and by professional interests.
(8) 2.2.6. The Membership Directory is available only to members.
(8) 2.2.7. The Membership Directory is provided, without charge, to members who pay regular dues or the highest economy dues rate, Life Members, and Permanent Members. The Directory may be sent to other members, on request, and on payment of a fee specified and approved by the Board.
(8) 3.1.1. The term, approved by the Board for the Editor of the Membership Register, is for the length of time required to complete the Membership Register.
(8) 3.2.1. The Membership Register is prepared from the mailing list for the IP, omitting complimentary and other nonmember names and addresses. It is sent to all elected and appointed leaders, and is announced to be available to other members on request.
(8) 3.2.2. The ICP address list may be sold to other organizations or business firms for one-time use, for approved professional announcements, at a fee to be authorized by the Board. The organization or business firm submits a copy of the material proposed for use of the ICP mailing list, which copy shall be approved by the Executive Committee or the Board. Any ICP member may have his or her name deleted upon request.
(8) 4.1.1. The Editors of the Annual Convention Proceedings, according to practice, are the President-Elect, who is also the Scientific Program Chair, and the Convention Host/Coordinator.
(8) 4.2.1. The Annual Convention Proceedings consist of articles on papers presented at the Annual Convention.
(8) 4.2.2. Authors pay for the cost of their own copies of the Annual Convention
(8) 4.2.3. Donations may be solicited from interested sources, to reduce the cost of
publication and distribution.
(8) 5.1.1. The term approved by the Board for the Editor (Web Master) of the ICP Web Site is four years. The appointment may be renewed by the Board.
(8) 5.3.1. The ICP Web Site provides a method for communication between ICP leaders and the membership, and between members.
(8) 5.3.2. The Web Site is also the “outreach” organ of the organization, and informs nonmembers of its organizational history, structure, leadership, and activities.
(8) 5.3.3. The Web Site is not intended to compete with other ICP Publications. The advantage of the Web Site is its ability to post information on a moment’s notice.
(8) 5.3.4. English is the language of the ICP Web Site. Links contributed by a member may be in the language of his or her country, when the primary use of the contributed material is made by members of that country.
(8) 5.3.5. The ICP Web Site URL is to be used in all publications that advertise ICP conventions, meetings, or other activities.
(8) 5.3.6. The Editor, with the oversight of the Publications Committee, may post
ongoing information on the Web Site. Members of ICP are encouraged to contribute to the Web Site by linking their web pages, which describe their work, to the ICP Web Site.
(8) 5.3.7. The Web Site is located on a site of the Editor’s choosing. However, the
accessibility of the Web Site by members should be reliable.
(8) 5.3.8. There is no budget line for the Web Site, itself, or for maintenance of the Web Site. Any charges incurred will be the responsibility of the Editor, who may appeal to the Board for exception to this policy.
(8) 5.3.9. Material may be removed from the Web Site by the Editor, in consultation with, and/or by order of the Publications Committee, if the material is deemed inappropriate for the welfare of ICP, or is considered to be generally in poor taste.
(9) 1.1. The Secretariat centralizes the record keeping and clerical functions of the Council, to improve efficiency and economy in the conduct of ICP business, insofar as such centralization is determined to be feasible and appropriate.
(9) 1.2. The Secretariat provides continuity to the operations of the Council by: establishing procedures that will carry over from one administration to another, until specifically changed by new Boards; and accumulating and keeping available a permanent file of the Minutes of the Board and other basic documents of the Council.
(9) 1.3. The Secretariat reports to the Board annually, and to officers as often as required to conduct the business of each office.
(9) 1.4. The Secretariat provides, for each officer or other position identified in Article 5., any other legitimate actions that may reasonably be required.
(9) 1.5. Any clerical function assigned by the Bylaws to a specific Officer, Director, or
appointed leader, may be delegated to the Secretariat, on approval by the Board or its Executive Committee, and by agreement of those concerned, after assurance from the Secretary-General that the facilities and budget of the Secretariat are adequate for the responsibility concerned.
(9) 2.1. To assist the President, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.1.1. Issues notices of meetings of the membership and the Board, calls for reports, and calls for volunteers, and issues other communications at the request of the President.
(9) 2.1.2. On the request of the President, polls the Executive Committee or the Board on issues requiring a vote, or on which advice is desired.
(9) 2.1.3. Prepares Agendas for Board Meetings and Annual Membership Meetings, accompanied by resource materials coded to Agenda items.
(9) 2.1.4. Requests all ICP leaders to submit Annual Reports by a specified deadline, well in advance of the annual Board Meeting.
(9) 2.1.5. Edits and compiles the Annual Reports from leaders, and submits the edited compilation to the Board.
(9) 2.2. To assist the President-Elect, and others involved in convention and meeting planning, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.2.1. Sends announcements of ICP programs to the publications of other
psychological organizations.
(9) 2.2.2. Answers inquiries about ICP programs.
(9) 2.2.3. Prepares the tentative program for the Annual Convention, for publication in the IP.
(9) 2.2.4. Sends copy of the tentative Annual Convention Program to each participant, with the request that the Secretary-General be notified of needed corrections or other changes.
(9) 2.2.5. Plans for the tours, reception, banquet, travel offers, and registration forms related to the Annual Convention, and checks with the President and Executive Committee when questions of policy are involved.
(9) 2.2.6. Edits the Annual Convention abstracts, and prepares the final Annual
Convention program.
(9) 2.2.7. Orders needed supplies for the Annual Convention, such as portfolios, badges, and other items.
(9) 2.2.8. Keeps accurate records of Annual Convention registrations, payments, and other items, and sends receipts.
(9) 2.3. To assist the Secretary, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.3.1. If requested by the Secretary: notifies each new member that they have been approved in a specific class of membership; encloses a Membership Certificate; for those who pay regular dues or the highest rate of economy dues, encloses a “Membership Directory;” and for all other new members, informs them that a “Membership Directory,” and later, a “Membership Register,” if published since the most recent “Membership Directory,” will be sent on request, when accompanied by a specified fee set by the Board. New members are also informed that the “Handbook for Leaders and Members” is similarly available, and may be useful to members in making use of the facilities ICP offers to its members.
(9) 2.3.2. Notifies all nominees of the results of the election. Requests newly elected Directors to provide photographs and statements of their concerns and recommendations for ICP, for publication in the IP.
(9) 2.3.3. Duplicates the Minutes prepared by the Secretary, for distribution to the
(9) 2.3.4. The Secretary retains direct responsibility for taking the Minutes of Board and Annual Membership Meetings, and presenting these to the appropriate bodies for approval.
(9) 2.3.5. The Secretary approves all letters sent out by the Secretariat over the signature of the Secretary, as in Paragraphs and above.
(9) 2.4. To assist the Treasurer, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.4.1. Opens and closes checking and savings accounts in banks as appropriate, with approval by the Board and the Treasurer, and in accordance with the rules of the bank. Enters into agreements for use of the bank.
(9) 2.4.2. Maximizes savings income by keeping as much of ICP’s money, as is feasible, in interest-bearing accounts, certificates of deposit, or investments.
(9) 2.4.3. Keeps the financial books of the Council in a form or forms approved by the Treasurer.
(9) 2.4.4. Issues dues notices, collects and deposits dues and other income, and issues receipts for dues, when requested.
(9) 2.4.5. Pays bills, as approved by the Treasurer. Submits invoices for all payments of $500 or more to the President, except where a line item of the Budget establishes a higher figure.
(9) 2.4.6. Sends the first dues notice for a given year with the issue of the IP published the preceding autumn. Sends second and third notices of delinquent dues, as needed, after January 1 and before August 31.
(9) 2.4.7. Notifies delinquent members of the termination of their memberships, in
accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws and the Administrative Policies and Procedures.
(9) 2.4.8. Prepares ICP financial reports for approval by the Treasurer and the Board. These include:
(9) Annual financial report of the Treasurer to the Board.
(9) Annual ICP report to the United States Internal Revenue Service, to
maintain tax exempt status.
(9) Biennial report to the State of Connecticut to maintain incorporation.
(9) Tentative Budget for the upcoming year.
(9) 2.5. To assist the Editor and Managing Editor of the IP, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.5.1. Provides articles, or background information for articles on ICP activities: conventions, nominations, elections, and other concerns.
(9) 2.5.2. Keeps a records of subscriptions and advertising.
(9) 2.5.3. Transmits news items received from members.
(9) 2.5.4. Addresses and mails issues of the IP, or provides mailing labels to those who mail the IP, or e-mail addresses to those who prepare and distribute the IP electronically.
(9) 2.6. To assist the Editor of the Membership Directory, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.6.1. Assists in planning and distributing, to all members, forms for their MembershipDirectory entries, which are enclosed with the Fall issue of the IP that precedes the Spring issue of the Membership Directory.
(9) 2.6.2. Assists in planning, preparing copy for, and arranging the printing and
distribution of the Membership Directory.
(9) 2.6.3. Checks the completed membership Membership Directory forms against dues payment records and the ICP mailing list, updates information, and reconciles any differences.
(9) 2.6.4. Supervises the mailing of the Membership Directory to those eligible to receive it.
(9) 2.7. To assist the Editor of the Membership Register, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.7.1. Prepares and distributes the Membership Register.
(9) 2.8. To assist Area Chairs and the Membership Chair, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.8.1. Arranges for duplication of Membership application forms and form letters.
(9) 2.8.2. Mails or e-mails membership recruitment materials to Area Chairs.
(9) 2.8.3. Answers inquiries about ICP, and mails out, or e-mails membership and
convention information.
(9) 2.9. To assist the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.9.1. Cooperates in the preparation of a Call for Nominations, for publication in the Summer issue of the IP.
(9) 2.9.2. Provides information on membership status, and prior ICP service of
individuals the Nominations Committee may be considering for nominations.
(9) 2.9.3. Duplicates descriptions of duties of Officers and Directors-at-Large of the Board, as given in the Bylaws and the Administrative Policies and Procedures, for the
Nominations Committee to send to persons being considered for nominations, and/or who are deciding whether or not to accept offered nominations.
(9) 2.9.4. Prints and mails the election ballots, preferably with the February issue of the IP, or by direct mail when necessary. If ballots are mailed with the IP, the envelope in which the IP is mailed is stamped “Ballot Enclosed.” If ballots are included in the e-mailed edition of the IP, the front cover of the IP shows a clearly visible “stamp” of “Ballot Enclosed.”
(9) 2.9.5. Provides the Elections Committee--after the returned ballots have been received, and at the time the returned ballots are to be counted--with an updated list of members in good standing and eligible to vote, so that ballots can be validated before they are counted.
(9) 2.10. To assist the Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures Revision
Committee, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.10.1. Duplicates ballots on amendments, and distributes them, first to the Board, and if approved there, to all members of ICP, usually through the next issue of the IP.
(9) 2.10.2. Serves as a member of the Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures Revision Committee.
(9) 2.10.3. Assists the Chair of the Bylaws and AP&P Revision Committee in analyzing and incorporating appropriate suggestions for changes in the Bylaws or Administrative Policies and Procedures.
(9) 2.11. To assist the Continuing Education Administrator, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.11.1. The Secretary-General may serve as Continuing Education Administrator, by appointment approved by the Board, or may assist the member so appointed.
(9) 2.11.2. Works with an advisory committee in selecting workshops and workshop leaders.
(9) 2.11.3. Handles correspondence with potential workshop leaders, submits course description forms to the American Psychological Association (APA), which is the agency that approves credit for the participants who complete a Continuing Education Program offered by ICP.
(9) 2.11.4. Prepares evaluation forms for each workshop, and sees that the forms are administered, collected, and transferred to APA.
(9) 2.11.5. Handles forms for the APA Central Registry for the participants seeking credits.
(9) 2.11.6. Collects and transmits fees for such credit.
(9) 2.11.7. Publicizes workshops through the IP, APA Monitor, convention newsletters, and other media.
(9) 2.12. To assist the ICP representatives to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) and the United Nations Department of Public Information (UN-DPI), the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.12.1. Facilitates their work, and distributes their Annual Reports.
(9) 2.12.2. Transmits to the representatives, communications received from the various offices and agencies of the United Nations, including UN NGO offices.
(9) 2.13. To assist the ICP membership in general, the Secretariat, under the direction of the Secretary-General, provides, until changed orders are received from the Board, the following services:
(9) 2.13.1. Permanently maintains membership records on each individual. Cards or other records for members who are dropped for nonpayment of dues, have resigned, been terminated, or are deceased, are transferred from the active file to an inactive file at the Secretariat, but are not destroyed.
(9) 2.13.2. Maintains and continuously updates a master set of members’ addresses.
Provides labels, addressed envelopes, or e-mail addresses to those mailing or e-mailing ICP publications. Provides labels or e-mail addresses, to any ICP leader who so requests them, for use in setting up a card file or e-mail address book of members to assist in the leader’s ICP responsibilities.
(9) 2.13.3. Processes applications for membership or changes of membership status, after these have been approved by the Membership Committee.
(9) 2.13.4. Corresponds with members and others on many topics. Refers correspondents to other ICP leaders, whenever appropriate.
(9) 2.14. Manages the Secretariat, and supervises the work of the paid employee(s) within Budget limits. The Secretary-General may elect to assume certain clerical duties provided for in the Budget, and is then paid for such performance at a typical rate for clerical service in the geographical area in which the Secretariat is located. The total sum expended for the clerical services performed by the Secretary-General, plus the services of other employees, does not exceed the amount budgeted for clerical services to the Secretariat.
(9) 2.15. Is responsible to the President, and through the President, to the Board. Conversely, the Board, through the President, is responsible for the supervision of the Secretariat, and of the Secretary-General.
(9) 2.16. Attends meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board, as an advisor and consultant, without voting privileges.
(9) 2.17. The Secretary-General’s performance is reported each year to the Board by the President (Bylaw 9.2.). The process of evaluation consists of the President selecting a person, not an Officer, approved by the Board, to send an evaluation form to each Officer or appointee for whom the Secretary-General is required to provide assistance. The evaluation form asks for responses to the question, “How would you evaluate the performance of the Secretary-General for the past year? Satisfactory____ or Not Satisfactory____. Comments:________ Signature:_____ Date:____.” If problems or such issues are reflected on these evaluations, which suggest the need for further evaluation, then the President may form an Evaluation Committee, with the approval of the Board, to pursue further evaluation or investigation.
(9) 2.18. The expenses for the Secretary-General to attend ICP Conventions are paid by ICP.
(10) 2.1. An amendment to the Administrative Policies and Procedures, when submitted to the Board at a physical meeting of the Board, or on a mail ballot to the Board, requires approval by an affirmative vote of the Board Directors voting on the issue.
(10) 2.2. An amendment to the Administrative Policies and Procedures, when submitted to the Executive Committee, requires approval by a unanimous affirmative vote of the Executive Committee. If one or two members of the Executive Committee cast negative votes, the proposed amendment is submitted to a mail ballot of the entire Board, with approval then requiring an affirmative vote of the Board Directors voting on the issue.