ICP Committees and
Interest Groups
You are cordially invited to consider
joining the committee or interest group of your choice. Please contact Chair
Persons for availability.
Standing Committees:
Education Committee: Chair Dr. Elizabeth Bishop. To help review
proposals in keeping with APA guidelines, please contact Dr. Bishop at bbishop@umich.edu |
Committee Chair: Dr. Roswith Roth at roswith.roth@kfunigraz.ac.at
Committee Chair: Dr. Ann O’Roark. For those interested in ICP history,
please contact Dr. O’Roark at AnnMORoark@aol.com |
Sponsors and Arrangement Committee Chair: Dr. Fiore Mester. If you live
or work in Toronto and wish to help in the many required activities, please
contact Dr. Mester at Fiore.Mester@on.aibn.com
or Dr. Antoinette Thomas at antoinettethomas@videotron.ca |
Range Planning Committee Chair: Dr. Dennis Trent. You render ICP a great
service if you are ready and willing to host a future conference in your
location. Please contact Dr. Trent, IP editor at internationalpsychologist@blueyonder.co.uk
Meeting Committee Chair: it could be you! If you wish to hold a regional
meeting in a more or less geographical proximity to a future ICP convention,
please contact Dr. Trent (see above).
Committee Chair: Dr. Dietrich Albert. Please contact Dr. Albert at Dietrich.Albert@kfunigraz.ac.at
Area Chair: Dr. Sandra Neil. If your geographical location does not have
an Area Chair and you wish to serve as such. If you reside nearby future
conference site and wish to offer contact with the media or psychological
organizations please contact Dr. Neil at icp@netspace.net.au
and Public Relations Chair: Dr. Sandra Neil (see above).
Committee Chair (TBA) if interested in chairing or membership, please
contact Dr. Antoinette Thomas at antoinettethomas@videotron.ca
Committee Chair (TBA) if interested in chairing or membership, please
contact Dr. Antoinette Thomas at antoinettethomas@videotron.ca
Committees or Ad hoc Committees and Task Forces
Recruitment Ad Hoc Committee Chair: Dr. Monty Satiaderma. Enthusiastic
persons who wish to find means to gain new members and encourage payment of
dues on time, please contact Dr. Satiaderma at msthymus@cbn.net.id |
with International Organizations Task Force Chair (TBA). If interested,
in chairing the committee or in membership, please contact Dr.
Antoinette Thomas at antoinettethomas@videotron.ca |
There are several Interest Groups in
ICP. These are not committees as such. Rather networks between members to
exchange ideas, plan joint research, present symposia and papers in conferences
and find or become mentors.
Thank you
for serving ICP.
Page created by: Dr.
Antoinette Thomas, ICP President (2003) |